
Now What? #SundaySalon — 13 Comments

  1. Yikes! I remember living in tornado alley. Glad you are tornado free at the moment. The Jetty was very good. I enjoy Jenna Coleman’s work. Thanks for the heads up about The Residence. It sounds like something I may need to watch.

  2. Ugh tornado season! We just had some severe weather but no tornadoes. I had just gone over severe weather safety guides with our Cub Scouts though so I felt like they and their families had a good refresher right before the season started!

  3. It must be very stressful to live in a place that experiences tornados. I live in an earthquake zone but have only actually felt 2 earthquakes in my lifetime (neither created any local damage). I hope you have a great week ahead Joy.

  4. We had a tornado warning earlier in the week, but fortunately we didn’t get one. Now hurricane season is coming up here. What terrible damage your area had.

    Guncle looks good. I have The Residence on my list to watch. Sounds good.

    Hope you have a great week!

  5. That is some video of the tonado aftermath.
    Have not read any Rowley yet but I know he’s popular. Still hoping on getting The Jetty. Our library has it for EVideo only so I am out of luck.

  6. Happy to hear you weren’t in the path of the tornado! Hope the winds die down. I haven’t read The Guncle, but I’ve seen a lot of praise for it. I’ll have to look up The Jetty. I’ve still been binging Downton Abbey when I have time. Then we’ll watch the movies. Have a lovely week, Joy!

  7. Most of my life I’ve lived in a tornado-prone area. Some years ago, my sister-in-law’s neighborhood in Creve Coeur, MO, was badly hit by one, including a child’s death. Scary! I hope you don’t see any more.
    best…mae at

  8. Way to go with the presentation. I think it’s great to be activist and fight against what’s happening these days and for the common good. I’m impressed with what you’re doing. And I’m glad the tornado didn’t kill anyone. The damage looks scary.

  9. It’s been an exceptionally windy late winter/spring even in Florida. The tornado video is just devastating, but I’m glad nobody was killed. The Guncle was excellent on audio, too, and now I want to read The Guncle Abroad.

    • The author, Steven Rowley, is coming to our town and we’ll get free copies of The Guncle Abroad if we attend. I’m looking forward to it!

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