
Doctor Who, Season 1 #TVReview #BriFri — 6 Comments

  1. I hang my head in shame because I have seen the total of one Dr. Who in its 40 years. I have issues understanding British humor and, even though I am a lifelong SF fan I just didn’t get it. However, I have a high school/college friend who has probably seen them all and she even posts Dr. Who memes on Facebook. I think my cable system is now including Disney Plus (it had it several months ago for a Taylor Swift special and I don’t know if that was a limited time thing) at no charge. I don’t watch a lot of TV but, given my love of SF, I should check it out.

  2. I LOVE Dr. Who! I remain adamant, however, that #10 was the best! (Silence in the Library and the Weeping Angels–Am I right?!)
    I’m so glad to know it’s now streaming on Disney. We keep that channel to watch Bluey (Sometimes we even include the grandchildren!) So I will be checking it out!
    Thank you!

  3. I thought you were going to say you were watching the FIRST first season of Doctor Who, which my husband and I have been watching! I didn’t know Disney was doing another reboot. Which makes me nervous, honestly. I haven’t watched lately, not since Matt Smith, but my heart belongs to Tom Baker.

    (Gonna agree that #10 was the best of the new ones, though.)

    • That’s fun that you’re going back to the beginning! I don’t think I’ve seen any of the episodes before Tom Baker.

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