
The Man in the Brown Suit #BookReview #BriFri — 5 Comments

  1. I’ve only read one Agatha Christie book and that was so long ago. It doesn’t surprise me that you found these flaws in the book. I read a number of Edgar Rice Burroughs books (including about 10 of the Tarzan books) in my teens (1960’s) and I think you can guess how the African natives in the Tarzan books were depicted. Some of these books were written in the 1912-1918 time span and definitely were influenced by the beliefs of the times.

  2. So many books from the late 19th and early to mid twentieth century are laden with racism. It’s not surprising that Christie’s books gloss over racial and social injustices of the day. Sadly, we can’t pretend that we’ve washed ourselves of them.

  3. I just read a classic travel story, A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains, in which a British woman visits the American West in the 1870s. Her descriptions of the scenery are beautiful, but her look at all the people is filled with deep and sometimes cruel judgment based on her standards.

  4. My husband’s birthday is September 15th (today). Christie was an excellent author but some publiucations you have to consider the time period for the writing style.

    I was hoping to have a book to share with you for #briFri but I haven’t written it up yet. Next week!

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