
Call the Midwife #TVReview #BriFri — 6 Comments

  1. Love this show so much. I’ve been streaming the entire series and am close to the last season. The episodes are always beautifully done and sometimes leave me with the sniffles.

  2. Oh, golly! 1969? I was 14. I discovered the radio that summer and all the great music. (Sugar, Sugar!) I remember lying on my parent’s back deck in the sun and listening to tunes! My older brother discovered that I was a human and not the irritating little pest he had always thought me. We had great fun sitting there and talking. It was just the best summer of my life!
    I’ve never watched Call the Midwife, but all my girls love it. I was always too nervous for fear they’d tell stories where babies (or mamas) died.
    And I’ve been to the National Gallery and loved it! Happy 200th Birthday!

  3. Wow 13 seasons. Sounds like a good show! In 1969, I was 4 and I remember we were living in Hawaii … and I took naps with a fan nearby … and stepped on a bee and was stung. I don’t think I saw the moon landing … but I remember a volcano.

  4. I didn’t realize there were 13 seasons, where on earth does the time go?!

    I was about to turn 13 in 1969 and very well rememebr the moon landing. What a blast from the past!

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