
Sunday Salon for 28 April 2024 — 9 Comments

  1. I know that I ought to read some legitimate history of American Indian peoples, but I can’t seem to get around to it, I just read fiction like Tommy Orange. I’m impressed by your list.
    best, mae at

  2. I haven’t read as much about American native peoples as I wish I had. A few years ago I read two great books about American Indians written for young adults, one fiction and one nonfiction. I look forward to hearing your thoughts about All the Real Indians Died Off.

    And…I need to get back to my novel…I miss working on it.

  3. It’s good you are still writing, keep plugging away. Hope you didin’t have to deal with any of the tornado activity I have read about. Our son is in Lincoln NE and i was very worried.

    • Thanks! We were under a tornado watch over night, but it didn’t amount to anything. I hope your son and his property are okay. The photos are astounding.

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