Sunday Salon for 5 November 2023
Happy Sunday! Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at ReaderBuzz. Check out her post and the links to see what other bloggers have been up to in the last week.
How’s the weather?
We enjoyed a cool week to end October and begin November–the kind of cozy weather that required an extra blanket on the bed for a couple of nights.
The next few days are expected to be unseasonably warm — going over 80 degrees on Wednesday, but that should be the end of the hot weather for the season.
What are you reading?
The main character in the World War II novel that I’m writing is a fan of Wonder Woman, so I get to read the original comics from the early 1940s. In many stories, she saves America from the World War II enemies. I’m more intrigued, though when she goes after a milk conglomerate that is putting children at risk by manipulating milk prices and when she takes on a department store for not paying the counter girls a living wage. Go, Wonder Woman!
What are you watching?
The newest season of the Great British Baking Show on Netflix was the perfect stress-reducing series for me this week. I’m all caught up, now, so I’ll have to wait until Friday for a new episode. It’s hard to believe that for most of my life that’s how I watched TV.
While I’m waiting, I started the Great British Baking Show: Juniors. I’m finding it a little harder to watch 9-year-olds under that kind of pressure. But the judges are genuinely kind, and the kids are amazingly talented. The regular show for adults is famous for how contestants help each other present their best bakes. That cooperation is even more evident in this show.
What are you doing?
My week started with an abscessed tooth. There was some initial hope that it would be fixed with a root canal, but a visit to an endontist determined that the tooth is cracked too deeply to be saved. I have an appointment on Thursday for an extraction and a consultation for what comes next. Thus, the need for stress-reducing TV.
Last week, I talked about going on blood pressure medicine. This week has been a weird one, then, with both stress and worrying about stress. Yeah.
What are you writing?
My British Isles Friday post was about the memoir Enchantment by Katherine May. I’m advocating it as a book to read if you want to find some enchantment in your holiday season. I think it’s also been helpful this week as a reminder that selecting my focus and being attentive to that choice is a stress-reducer.
I chose to focus on research this week in my novel-writing, so that’s been fun. Mostly, I’ve been reading 1943 newspapers to get a feel for the times as well as the aforementioned Wonder Woman comics.
How are you this fine Sunday?
We are in the 80’s as well. Looks like tomorrow will be the last day, and it will only be in the lower 70’s after that. I’m not ready for cold weather! (And yes, I know that this really isn’t cold weather.)
It is going to be a week of temperatures in the 80s here also. Beautiful blue skies and nice temperatures at night, but not really what I wanted in fall.
I am so sorry to hear about your tooth. I would imagine that would cause a great deal of pain and stress. I do hope your doctors can come up with a good fix. And I hope you are able to find ways to feel less stressed.
I’m off to see what you think about Enchantment.
I placed the book Enchantment on my library holds list and hope to have it in 2 weeks or so. Sounds great.
I’m sorry to hear about your tooth, that’s so painful and I hope it gets pulled soon. That helped me tremendously when I had an infected tooth, immediate relief.
Oh no, sorry to hear about your tooth! My mother is dealing with the same issue this week… hope it’s resolved for both of you by next weekend. What fun to be reading the original Wonder Woman comics!
Your research for your writing project sounds fun! I love Wonder Woman! She was my favorite superhero growing up. Love that retro photo of her. I’ve had an abscessed tooth in the past and it no fun! Had a root canal twice in the same tooth. Not sure how that was even a thing that could happen, but they were able to save the tooth. I had to have a bone graft in the gum. Nightmare. I hope you are able to come to an easy solution!
Oh, tooth issues! You have all of my sympathy, as I have enough crowns to be Queen. At least you’re not alone. Hope it doesn’t bother you too much.
Good luck with your tooth! I hope you get some much-needed self-care. I’ve thought about reading some Wonder Woman comics but haven’t yet. They do sound fun! Good luck with your research and writing.
I’m ready for it to be chilly and stay chilly. I did not know any about that regarding Wonder Woman! How fun! About 13 years ago, I had to have a tooth extracted and ended up getting an implant. It’s not fun at all but been great since. Wishing you stress-free process!
I’m just curious how you find & read 1940s newspapers? At the library or can you do that online by paying? I wish you well with your research. It seems a fun project. Enjoy your week.
The St. Louis County Library gives me access to Historical Newspapers: US Major Dailies. The Washington Post is the most useful newspaper for my purposes, since most of the novel is set in DC.
I also use We pay for that to use for genealogy, but I’m looking at the Iowa City Press-Citizen to help me understand the Midwest viewpoint since some of my characters are from that area.