Sunday Salon for 27 August 2023
Happy Sunday! Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at ReaderBuzz. Check out her post and the links to see what other bloggers have been up to in the last week.
How’s the weather?
Our heat wave went on for nearly a week, but finally got drowned out on Saturday with a wet cold front. I’m looking forward to good weather days next week now that I’m feeling well. That should allow me to get back to some normal outdoor activities.
What are you reading?
I started The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner. So far, I’m enjoying the modern timeline where Caroline has joined a mudlarking group along the River Thames. I’m uncomfortable with the 18th century timeline with an apothecary that specializes in providing poison to desperate women to murder abusive men. I’m trusting that discomfort is what I’m supposed to feel at this stage.
What are you watching?
I’m now in Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy. I am enjoying it, but I’m also looking forward to watching something that’s less about comic book violence and more about something gentler. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
What are you doing?
I spent most of the week in the air conditioning but did manage a nice little adventure that involved a picnic in a shady pavilion overlooking the Missouri River.
I’m organizing the first in-person indoor meetings since early 2020 for two groups. It’s starting to come back to me how to do this. There’s more effort involved than sending out a Zoom link.
What are you writing?
For British Isles Friday this week, I reviewed Dorothy L. Sayers first book, on the 100th anniversary of its publication: Whose Body? This is also the first book that features Lord Peter Wimsey.
I feel like I’m just about to pull my plot together for my novel. Another day or two and I’ll have a broad view of my story pinned up on my bulletin board. That’s an exciting moment!
How are you this fine Sunday?
The Lost Apothecary looks really good. I hope you’ll have cooler weather and have a chance to get out more.
Have a great week!
It would be great if you posted photos of your retreat on the Missouri RIver. I have been on boats on the Mississippi but never on the Missouri.
best, mae at
We had a lot of rain and storms here in Ohio this week, especially the latter part. Today was in the 70s and was gorgeous once the fog and clouds moved out. Yay for a pivotal moment in bringing your book a step closer to the final product! Have a great weekend!
I hope you provide the link for the piece you wrote about Dorothy Sayers. That sounds like something I’d like to read.
It’s here:
Good luck with your plot! A picnic sounds nice, it’s been a long time since I went to one.
We had two major storms for the past two nights, and survived possible flooding and tornados. The weather this year is certainly very odd. Hope things get back to the normal soon.
Harvee at
Glad you are finding your muscle memory for organizing in person events again. It takes a skill set that I don’t really have.
I’m in the mood for reading some lighter books. Yesterday I was able to try out some of the ideas from I Never Thought of It That Way for having long conversations with those you don’t agree with during a day with my extended family. The idea of using curiosity to drive a conversation seemed to work well.
Sometimes it feels easier, I think, to send out a link and sit back in a comfortable chair for an event. But there is something wonderful about being together with other humans.
Your progress in writing makes me feel delighted for you. After several months of a strong start to my novel, I’ve faltered and set it aside until after we return from our trip. I hope I’m able to get back to it then.
The picnic sounds fun and what a lovely setting. I’m glad you are feeling better and getting oout and about.
A picnic in a shady pavilion overlooking the Missouri River sounds amazing!!!!
Glad to hear you’ll be able to get out more now that the weather has cooled down a bit. WE are having a heat wave for the next few days.
Good luck with the writing! I’ve been meaning to read The Lost Apothecary since it came out. I hope you like it!