
Sunday Salon for 14 May 2023 — 11 Comments

  1. I’ve been reading memoirs too and writing up reviews and reposting earlier reviews of books for AAPI Heritage Month. I haven’t heard of Beautiful Country but glad it was a four star book. There are many memoirs being written now by Asian American women, I find, and a few by the men also.

  2. I bet it was fun to look through the scrapbook and diary your mom kept from your trip fifty years ago. Love the photo of you and your brother and your dad! I haven’t made it to Disneyworld or D-land yet.

    I will enjoy hearing more about Beautiful Country.

    And I’m glad that your birthday week was celebrated in style in England. I’m quite certain they moved the coronation to coincide with your birthday week in honor of your love for their country. lol

  3. Happy Belated Birthday! I bet it was so much fun going through the scrapbook and diary! I can’t wait to read your #50YearsAgoToday posts. I hope you have a great week!

  4. Oh my. I’ve never lived anywhere where there are weather alert warnings that blare into the wind. Unless you count the once a month alarm warning practice in case we have a lahar and all need to head to higher ground. (Volcano related)

  5. Ohmygosh I can’t wait to see the Florida trip day-to-day! That’s so cool that your mom kept a diary / scrapbook! I’ve always kept a journal so it killed me that neither of my parents were writers of anything…no letters, no journals…nothing.

  6. Belated birthday wishes! Your trip to the tea room sounds like a lot of fun. I think it’s wonderful your mother kept a diary/journal of your trip. With six kids, my mother never had time to write anything down, lol! I’ll look forward to your memories of the trip.

    I’ll also be curious to hear what the book group thinks of Beautiful Country. Hope you have a lively discussion!

  7. Belated happy birthday. Lovey the vintage photo of you with the family at Disney — and how great to have your mom’s diary of the trip as well! I’m reading the Lanny Budd series of books by Upton Sinclair, which will take me a while. Finding them historically interesting. I wrote one more Endwell post (a post-script to my A to Z series) about one of my own, personal brick walls from my teens. Please stop by if you have a chance!

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