
Sunday Salon for 19 March 2023 — 10 Comments

  1. PBS is streaming another treatment of the early 20th century artists and writers in Taos — a biographical documentary about Mabel Dodge Luhan and her circle. Georgia O’Keeffe was included. Perhaps relevant to the bio you watched. Have a nice week.

    best… mae at

  2. Wow! You have been busy! I admire your focus on social justice issues for your book club. Also, congratulations on being invited to speak on the panel discussion!
    I hadn’t heard of Nanette, but just tagged the audio of Ten Steps to Nanette on Libby to borrow at some future date. Thanks for the recommendation!
    Our daffodils just bloomed in our front yard while we were away for the weekend. Spring is coming, although it’s still freezing temperatures here!

  3. We stayed in Taos at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House, and I spent the time I was there reading the work of one of the lesser-known writers who lived there. Here’s my little post about it, if you are interested: I will look for the Georgia O’Keefe movie and the PBS series.

    You do such important work. It must feel exhausting sometimes.

    And now you will be able to enjoy the A-Z Challenge.

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