
England in Disneyland (circa 1971) #BriFri — 5 Comments

  1. Well this explains why I never understood why all carousels didn’t just have horses that move! Riding the teacups was when I realized I have motion issues!

  2. I have ridden all of those! When I was a kid in the early 80s we lived a couple hours north of LA and had a great-aunt who lived in Anaheim. So about once a year we’d spend a day at Disneyland (and play a lot of gin rummy with Aunt Mabel). I remember the Peter Pan ride very well, and when I was reading the Wind in the Willows a couple weeks ago I spent some time wondering whether the Mr. Toad ride is still there and how it looks now. I haven’t been to Disneyland in many years and am a bad mother, since my kids have reached adulthood without going.

  3. I’ve only been in the Disney World in Florida but I have indeed ridden all of the rides…wll, not King Arthur’s carousel as I don’t think they have that one in Flroida, at least not to my knowledge.

  4. Pingback:First Day in Disneyland #50YearsAgoToday #CaliforniaTrip – Joy's Book Blog

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