Leverage in Death by J.D. Robb #BookReview #Oscars
Book: Leverage in Death by J.D. Robb
Genre: Mystery
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Publication date: 2018
Pages: 379
Source: ebook borrowed from the library
Summary: Leverage in Death is the 47th book in this futuristic mystery series featuring police detective Eve Dallas. This case is particularly unusual, starting with a suicide bomber who doesn’t seem to be an entirely willing participant, even though he pushes the button on his vest. This act takes out the lead players just as a large business merger is about to be signed. The discovery of the man’s wife and daughter leads to an explanation of the motive of the bomber. He was trying to protect his family. But who were the masked men who trapped and tortured that family for several days and what was their motive?Thoughts: I don’t usually bother to review these books on my blog. I just consume them like potato chips and move on. This one, however, features the Oscars. Since this year’s Oscar nominations we’re announced this morning, I thought it would be fun to anticipate the Oscars with some of the regular characters in this series.
A former case of Eve’s and her partner, Delia Peabody, was written into a book by their friend, journalist Nadine Furst. That book was made into a movie and, in Leverage in Death, everyone is excited because the movie received Oscar nominations.
Eve, of course, hates this sort of formal event and she’s not about to fly from New York to California for such a thing. Her partner, Delia Peabody, is incredibly excited to attend. But will she get to, given the bizarre and puzzling nature of their current case?
Appeal: The anticipation of the Academy Awards was fun, with dresses and red carpet and all the other accompanying festivities. The mystery was good, too!
I’ve been trying to decide if this is a series that I’d recommend reading in order. The mysteries are all stand-alone. The character arcs were pretty well established in the first few books and haven’t changed that much since. Some of the plot arcs are longer, but I imagine you’d enjoy this book whether or not you read Origin in Death that tells the story of the Icove case that was made into a movie. That was book 21 and I barely remember it.
These are the sorts of books that you used to pick up as a paperback in the airport and not really care if you read them in order. These days, with Goodreads helpful list of the In Death books in order and with the easy availability of ebooks, it probably makes most sense to read the series from the beginning. It will take you less time than you think to catch up. I generally read these in two to four days and I most appreciate them when I want a good distraction from what’s going on in my life or the world.
Are you looking forward to the 2019 Academy Awards?
I’m glad you decided to review it. My 91-yo mother reads the series and I think she’s a few books behind. I need to see what the last # was on her printed list.
I listened to a Christmas-themed Eve Duncan book on audio last year around Christmas time and enjoyed it although I wasn’t familiar with the series at all. I got the characters’ personalities down pretty easily and felt there was enough backstory to get by with and not completely spoil earlier books if I decided to go back and start at the beginning. I usually do like to read series in order of publication, but jumping in on this one worked for me. (The series is so long at this point, that starting at the beginning seemed like a huge commitment!)
Thanks for that insight, Laurie! It’s always hard to put myself in the mindset of someone who hasn’t read any of the books. It is a long series!
Dear Joy,
First, a thank you for your service. I know it’s a phrase of respect given to military members and others who take on jobs at the risk of their lives but I see no reason not to use it for anyone who does a job that may not get the thanks they deserve. I have throughout my 50+ year reading career held Librarians in the highest regard. So please accept my thanks…
Now, as for my comment, I just wanted to thank you for posting this review. I’ve been a huge Eve Dallas fan ever since I discovered the series almost 20yrs ago. I’ve read the entire series but sometimes I wish to go back a read a particular book. The one I wanted to read was the Oscars novel but I couldn’t remember which one it was. Thankfully your review was readily available after a google search. Thanks again.
P.S. Number 52 of the series is Faithless in Death, due out Feb. 9, 2021
Thanks for the heads up! I didn’t have Faithless in Death on my radar, yet.