
Topsy-Turvy #FilmReview #BriFri — 6 Comments

  1. I’ve got that in my queue- it’s one of the when I’ve got time to pay attention titles – since I pretty much ‘half watch’ most everything with only a handful of exceptions. I remember hearing something about it (perhaps on Graham Norton?) but it was a time when it was available yet

  2. Oh my, so long ago I don’t remember it at all. Except for a vague feeling that it might be a wee bit over the top for me? I do love Jim Broadbent though. I wonder if I’m confusing him in Topsy Turvy with the role he played, as Tina pointed out, in Moulin Rouge?

  3. When the film came out, I happened to be in London, and I saw it in a theatre there! I watched it again on video not long ago and really enjoyed the period details and backstage perspective. Though the writers played around with the facts quite a bit, the overall gist seemed true to life.

  4. Pingback:The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society #FilmReview #BriFri – Joy's Book Blog

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