Born a Crime #BookReview
Book: Born a Crime: stories from a South African childhood by Trevor Noah
Genre: Memoir
Publisher: Spiegel & Grau
Publication date: 2016
Pages: 304
Source: Hardcover from library

Memoir by comedian Trevor Noah
Summary: Trevor Noah was “born a crime” to a black mother and white father, a strictly forbidden relationship in apartheid South Africa. His upbringing and education crossed lines that were designed not to be breached. His very existence proved how silly and unsustainable those lines were.
Thoughts: This was the June selection for the Community of Understanding and Hope Book Group, a book club focused on books about race in America (and, sometimes, beyond).
June 2018 was the tenth anniversary of our first meeting. That’s a long time to sustain a book group, especially one focused on a topic that is considered difficult. I think our group can attest that the topic of a race causes more problems when you don’t talk about it — the solutions begin in conversation.
Our book group spent quite a bit of time talking about Trevor Noah’s mom who is a real hero of this story. We were all women that night, so we really appreciated that aspect. He recognizes that her tough love helped him survive and, eventually, thrive.
We didn’t talk about it in book group, because I forgot to bring it up, but I was fascinated by how this memoir works in spite of a lack of chronology. In general, the early part is about Noah’s younger days and the later part is about when he is older, but the organization is thematic. It works, but I’m kind of surprised that it works. At some moments, it’s more like reading a collection of essays than an autobiography.
The subtitle tells us what this story is about — Noah’s childhood in South Africa. It goes up until, maybe, his early twenties. Of course, our group had lots of questions at the end. What’s up with his mom now? Did he ever find out more about his dad? How did he get from where Born a Crime ends to where The Daily Show begins?

We celebrated our 10th anniversary with cake! Photo credits: Kiden (the daughter of one of our founding members) and Emma DeLooze-Klein (the librarian who takes great care of our group at Kirkwood Public Library)
Challenges: This is the seventh of twelve nonfiction books that I pledged to read at Doing Dewey — check out the Nonfiction Friday feature on that blog.
Have you read this book? What did you think?
A good friend of mine, and fellow book-lover, just recommended this book earlier in the week. I think I need to add it to my list.
Congratulations on such a milestone moment for your book club. I’ve never been a part of one until recently when I discovered “silent” book clubs. The perfect community for this reserved introvert
I saw your book review on GoodReads and had to come over and tell you that I read this book too and absolutely loved it. It made me both laugh and cry. Congratulations on the success of your book group. Great pictures.
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