
Lord John Marbury #BriFri — 6 Comments

  1. I think I’ll have to go back and watch the West Wing – I started with it in the first season – but then went off to other things (and mostly non-network tv) where I try to exist mostly now, particularly with this administration – but WW isn’t the only ‘American’ show / outlet that makes huge mistakes with titles and protocol – watch any royal wedding and see the lack of preparation from the american hosts….. they get Canada wrong too – a constant source of “you idiots – look it up” outbursts in my house.

  2. Mr Books & I love West Wing and re-watch it every 4 years in the run up to another US election, in the hope that we will one day understand how your electoral system actually works!

    I didn’t know about the podcasts. Mr Books is not a fan of podcasts, but this might tempt him to try again 🙂

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