
Darkest Hour #FilmReview #BriFri — 7 Comments

  1. I think that in terms of the history in the film – it should (and will) be a bit fluid simply for dramatic effect – but the real ‘kickstart’ for Churchill’s power came from Chamberlin and his mis-handling – combined with a very real threat to the country and life as people knew it – both strong motivators to step behind someone, who, while flawed, had a solid belief in the rightness of the defeat of Germany and the threats to the country – using all possible means. It’s hard to think in those terms of limited (and controlled) information etc of the 40’s and think of ‘how’ those decisions would be received today with our 24 hour news, internet and advances. We’ve decided (although it’s killing me) to wait on seeing them both until after we receive the Wilderness Years with Robert Hardy as Churchill – that decade of 1929 – 1939 – I remember it as being a wonderful piece – a uni professor suggested it as background in a poly sci class on depression / WWII era changes.

  2. I enjoyed how Dunkirk and Darkest Hours worked together. Like you, I preferred it to Dunkirk, which I also liked but not quite as much as my husband did. I haven’t gotten around to Their FInest yet, I’m sure I’ll love it.

  3. Gary Oldman totally became Churchill. I think he did deserve the Academy Award for his performance! I had to watch Dunkirk after seeing Darkest Hour and glad I did it in that order because my WWII English history is not good.

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