A Presentation and More A-Z Posts #taskittues
The folks over at Bloggiesta have taken over a weekly link party called Task It Tuesday when bloggers share their to-do lists for motivation and accountability.
Last week, my plan was to complete posts for M through U on a designated schedule. I ended up completing M through V (skipping L because I still haven’t finished the book I want to review for that) and not at all according to the schedule. But, I met my goal to have 14 pre-scheduled posts by the end of the Blog Ahead challenge, so I’m happy with the result!
This week, I’m giving a presentation on Thursday that I’m not fully ready for. One piece that I want in place is a virtual handout that I’ll put up as a blog post. So, compiling that is my big project of the week. I’m nearly finished with the book for my L post and that’s due on Friday, so I want to get that done tomorrow. After that, I’d like to pre-schedule my W through Z posts, so that I’m done with the A to Z Challenge in advance of a couple of days out of town.
In list form, that looks like this:
- Compile the virtual handout for my presentation
- Write ‘L’ post for British Isles Friday and the A to Z Challenge
- Write ‘W’ post
- Write ‘X’ post
- Write ‘Y’ post
- Write ‘Z’ post
That should do it for my week? How is your blogging week shaping up?
How’d it go? Were you able to get your virtual handout completed? That sounds like a daunting task! I hope it went well