
Killers of the Flower Moon #BookReview #BookClub — 8 Comments

  1. I have it on hold list at my library to read. My library does not have Fire in Beulah, darn it because I wanted to read that one first. I will request it and see if they can buy it. Thanks

  2. I read this book for a book club this month as well. Sounds like we felt very similarly about it. I think the first half (a more personal/dramatized account) was very different than the second half (a more solving-the-case sort of account). I preferred the second half.

  3. I’ve been seeing this book around and I’m glad it was so interesting – and that it was intriguing enough to get you all to question why you hadn’t already learned about this. It’s a rare book that can inspire that type of personal reflection – I’m glad your club got around to it! I might have to propose it to my book club now.

  4. I loved this book and what you have to say about it. Simply amazing, the writing, plus the investigative reportage. Interesting, I was thinking likewise about Mollie’s character, as I felt such empathy towards her.
    You will LOVE the next book, one of my favorites!

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