
Going Out Like a Lion #ReadersWorkouts — 3 Comments

  1. I was doing great in January and most of February on my overarching goal of 10 hours/week of exercise, but haven’t checked in with you in a while! My routine fell apart when we had a death in the family (my father, who was 87) preceded by a very draining hospital stay before that. Then when things were getting somewhat back to normal, I proceeded to come down with a lingering cold virus.
    I am slowly getting back to normal routines again, and hoping spring weather (if it ever comes) will help my body and spirits revive!
    I downloaded the CoachMe app, which I think I saw mentioned in a Readers Workouts post, and wanted to report my success with that to you! I track my progress on my weekly goals which include some form of exercise daily, daily weigh-in, and three gym visits (yoga class). I was doing pretty well with my New Year’s resolutions; I liked clicking the checkmark in the CoachMe app and keeping an exercise and weight log. (I also use it to help with my resolution to get to work a little early!)
    Sorry for this LONG comment, but I want you to know I appreciate #ReadersWorkouts, even though I don’t post about exercise on my blog!

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