
Cheddar Gorge #BriFri — 5 Comments

  1. We stopped there on our trip years ago. It’s a lovely place and I would love to go back. We found a charity shop where I bought some old rugby jerseys and had a great conversation with the woman who owned the shop.

  2. Wow! Who knew! I assume the cheese is protected from cheese eating critters by protective screens or something of the like —I think that’s what I see in your photo. I love cheddar cheese, way way too much according to my hips. My favorite way to eat cheddar cheese is simple and comes from my grandmother. cheese and tomato, salt & pepper on a soft roll with butter. One of my top comfort foods.

  3. Great! I haven’t been to Cheddar since I was a boy – the downside to the place is its poularity – it gets really busy round there. The cheese, of course, is a way of life 🙂 – curiously enough, one of my favourite cheddar cheeses is Canadian – it’s wonderfully nutty. Happy New Year!

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