
At the Water’s Edge #BookReview #BriFri — 7 Comments

  1. I had been on the fence about this book for quite a while. The setting in Scotland is very appealing to me but the synopsis of the plot, o. The book jacket, always made me pause. I’m glad you liked it overall.
    I just woke up to the most horrendous news from Dallas. What a nightmare. Sometimes I wonder if our nation can heal, so much violence. That’s not what Btitish Isles Friday is for, my comment here, but I am so sad.

    • I’m sad, too, Tina. Thanks for the comment. This isn’t the first time that a pre-scheduled post seemed a bit incongruous for the news of the day.

  2. What an interesting and honest book review. I’m not sure it would be for me, but I’m definitely coming back to read more and consider whether I have some British posts to add too.

  3. To be honest, I didn’t even thought about the villain being homosexual, but that didn’t have influence in my opinion of the book – I didn’t like it.
    I found it repetitive: my husband and friend leave – I learn about the people in the village and secret things about my husband – they come back and are assholes – they leave – I learn more things about them, etc.
    I expected another story.

  4. Pingback:PM Switcheroo #BriFri | Joy's Book Blog

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