Stretching Feels Good #ReadersWorkouts

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Welcome to Readers’ Workouts, the weekly event where book lovers share workout stories, goals, successes, and challenges.
I mentioned last week that I wasn’t doing anything but walking. In the past week, I tried a bit of stretching. I noticed a marked decrease in flexibility from before. Yoga poses that used to stretch my inner thighs now stretch my outer thighs because my hips are so tight. But, just a few stretches and I’m already seeing an improvement. I’m also remembering why stretching works so well for me. I’m convinced that I have fewer problems with my knees, hips, and back when I perform stretches routinely.
How about you? Is stretching an important part of your routine?
How is your exercise going? Share on your blog and link your post below. Or tell your story in the comments. Be sure to visit the other participants for support and encouragement.
OMG! Stretching just helps me get back on track. Aches dissipate when I just take a few minutes to give that extra stretch. So do I do it everyday? I wish I would, I am trying to make it a habit.
Actually, I’ve been stretching fairly consistently lately. Probably not as much as I should, but more than I have in the past.
I’m planning to go back to the 6am yoga class on Fridays, it’s an early start but I know I’ll feel good after.
After getting my black belt, I feel like I’m on vacation, even at my desk.
Getting your black belt is definitely a high! Congratulations!