
Pressed Down, Shaken Together, Running Over #CompassionateSunday — 8 Comments

  1. I read 12 Steps last week. As usual, I read too fast and didn’t get as much out of the reading as I might have. I plan to pop in here and see how you have carried on with the reading.

    I like how you were encouraged to focus on the actions of Jesus in addition to his words. I try to remind myself that his words were quite radical for his time (in terms of having compassion for the Stranger.)

  2. I also had to look up the meaning for exegesis.

    Learning compassion came from looking at the examples of my mother and aunt. My aunt goes to the local jail on the weekends and encourage the inmates to change their lives. She talks and listens to them.

    They help and encourage even when they could be doing other things with their time.

  3. Though I’m not reading along, I am enjoying following your journey, which gives me pause to think. At the end of last year, I had joined a small group exploring mindfulness, which embraces compassion along with becoming aware of the moments you live.

    Great post, Joy!

  4. I am not sure what you mean by the synoptic gospels, but I know what you mean by the gospels giving off different impressions of Jesus and his disciples. Today in church our pastor commented after reading a passage from Mark that he didn’t think it was an error the way he placed certain stories together, as if to make one point and then drive it home.

    Thanks for your thoughtful posts.

  5. Pingback:Synoptic Gospels #WondrousWordsWednesday | Joy's Book Blog

  6. Pingback:The Ninth Step: Concern for Everybody – Joy's Book Blog

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