
How to Visit Bletchley Park #BriFri — 6 Comments

  1. I have not been to Bletchley Park so also, I don’t have suggestions but I know there will be more than enough to explore. I also like to visit sites where military history is preserved and exhibited. Can’t wait for your trip and photos.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your trip to Bletchley, a place that, if I had a bucket list, would no doubt be in the top ten. FYI – for those who have HBO, The Imitation Game will be on tomorrow, january 16, 2016. I’m really looking forward to watching it again after reading this post.

  3. Another place I have not been. It’s fascinating to realise that the government denied existence of this establishment for so many decades after the war ended.

  4. Looks like a great place to visit. Did you ever watch the Bletchley Park television show about some women who used to work at Bletchley and then used their skill sets to solve crimes. Good fun.

  5. Pingback:Dead Scared by Sharon Bolton #BookReview #BriFri | Joy's Book Blog

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