
Agitprop #WondrousWordsWednesday — 3 Comments

  1. Hi Joy, It’s nice to visit your blog after such a long absence. (I’m sorry for the absence.) I like learning this new word. And, you gave us such a rich explanation of it’s meaning too. You also remind me that I have this book and really need to open it up, Thanks.

  2. Hi Joy,

    Quite a complex word, for what sounds like a very complex and challenging storyline.

    This is one of those books which we all should read, but which I have to admit, will probably never hit my own TBR pile.

    Linda sounds like my kind of professor, a few more like her would help to sort out many of the problems we experience with the education standards of our young generation (at least here on this side of the Atlantic!)

    A great word which I am pleased you shared 🙂


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