
Entering Cuba #SaturdaySnapshot — 25 Comments

  1. I’ve been looking forward to your pics; some of your travel buddies tagged you with their pics on FB, so I had an idea what you and Rick were up to. Looking forward to more!

  2. My husband and I lived in Miami, Florida, for many years, and we heard a lot about the beauty of Cuba. I hope to go there one day. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy the island through your photos. I’m looking forward to more!
    My Saturday Snapshot post is HERE.

    • The culture is remarkably open these days. They’ve realized that they need the opinions of every one of their highly-educated populace to figure out how to maintain the good things they have (education, health care, low crime rate) while fixing the problems that remain.

  3. I’ll be living vicariously, tagging along with you on your adventure. Looking forward next Saturday and more details like the bit about the woman doling out the toilet paper.
    By the way, I apologize. I forgot to put to link back to you on the last British Isles Friday post. That’s been corrected now. How do you say ’sorry about that’ in Cuban?

    • Actually I just realized, duh!, that there are Cuban cigars, Cuban shoes and Cuban music but the language they speak in Cuba is Spanish. I just gave myself thirty lashes for that Cuban language reference.

  4. Oh I didn’t know you were going to Cuba, how fascinating that must have been. I’d love to get there one day- it’s a looong way from Australia though. (But then so is everywhere)

  5. Pingback:Anonymous

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  14. Pingback:Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba #SaturdaySnapshot | Joy's Book Blog

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