I’m so behind on my reviews, right now! I either need to read slower or write faster. I’m hoping that a nice, long, holiday Review-a-Thon will help me make some progress. Here are the details from Brianna, The Book Vixen:
The Write On review-a-thon is a monthly event created and hosted by Brianna at The Book Vixen. This time, it’s THREE days dedicated to getting reviews done, whether you have one review to write or 30+. This edition of the review-a-thon takes place all day Friday, May 22nd through Sunday, May 24th. Let’s get those reviews done!
Here is my outstanding list of books to review:
Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin (scheduled for Saturday)
Sundown Towns by James W. Loewen (scheduled for June 1)
Two “Elemental Blessings” novels by Sharon Shinn (scheduled for Thursday)
Doodle Revolution by Sunni Brown (scheduled for June 4)
Devil in the Grove by Gilbert King
Syllabus by Lynda Barry (check out my first attempt at a comic strip!)
Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs
I would love to get all these done, but I don’t know how realistic that is. Monday may be my best day to make progress, so I’m going to hold out hope.
You have a list of really interesting books to write about. I checked out Syllabus from the library last week. I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts on them all. Good luck.
You can do it! 8 reviews if my count is right
One thing that helps me, is writing the beginning, and a paragraph or two without the help of my Goodreads review, and then do the same for some other reviews, and then going back, and finishing the review with the extra details. Then it’s not all thinking about that one book all the time
Thanks for stopping by! Good luck with those reviews! Happy reading and reviewing!
Good luck with your reviews! Looking forward to seeing what you thought of Frost Burned.
You’re list is ambitious! I’m really impressed. After failing spectacularly in my last Review-A-Thon, I tried to be more realistic. I think I may be able to exceed my goals!
That is a lot! I’m cheering for you and will be looking forward to your reviews.
Best of luck to you Joy! I just completed my first two reviews – one for a gluten-free Italian cookbook (with giveaway) and one for an intriguing book of poems!
Next up is a sci-fi book in an ongoing series I am reading…
Please stop by and check them out if you have a chance – and be sure to share your reviews and literary posts with us at The Book Nook at Create With Joy!
Have a lovely holiday weekend!
*\o/* Good luck with your reviews! I’ll probably be working on my reviews on Monday as well
Looks like you’re doing pretty good! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!
Good luck reviewing, Joy! You’re definitely making a dent in your list.