Legacy: An Anthology #BookReview #30Authors
Book: Legacy: An Anthology from Velvet Morning Press
Genre: mostly short stories, some essays
Publisher: Velvet Morning Press
Publication date: 2015
Pages: 175
Source: e-ARC from publisher for participation in blog tour
Summary: Legacy: An Anthology was born from a blog event! Allison Hiltz of The Book Wheel blog set up #30Authors last year, where authors guest-posted on book blogs, telling us about a book they liked. I was honored to host Tayari Jones who told us about Into the Go-Slow by Bridgett Davis. All this author / blogger book love got the attention of Velvet Morning Press who worked with Allison to produce this anthology of stories and essays exploring the theme of “legacy.”
Thoughts: I usually don’t read short pieces, preferring a deep dive into a novel or the long exploration of a nonfiction book. The anthology Legacy reminded me what short pieces do so well, experimenting with interesting structures that would get tiresome in a novel but are just perfect in a small dose.
A short story can sound like a news report, consist completely of “found” letters (in English and in French!), or be told backwards in time. Short stories can give us characters too terrible or too precious to live with for the length of a novel but a delight to encounter in a shorter form. A short essay can give us the gem of an idea.
Check back tomorrow for an interview with one of the Legacy contributors, David Whitehouse.
Proceeds and Tour: According to Velvet Morning Press:
Author proceeds from anthology sales will be donated to PAWS for Reading, a program that allows children to read aloud to a therapy dog (or cat, or bunny!) in order to improve reading and communication skills. Thanks for reading and for supporting the cause!
Check out the other stops on the Legacy Tour with more reviews and author interviews.
Have you read this book? What did you think?
Thanks so much for the great review! I’m glad you enjoyed the book… Looking forward to tomorrow’s interview.