Half Month Report #ReadersWorkouts

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Welcome to Readers’ Workouts, the weekly event where book lovers share workout stories, goals, successes, and challenges.
I got determined late last week to make sure that I was at, or beyond, the half-way point of my exercise goals this month before I had to write today’s Readers’ Workout post. Determination works! As of late yesterday, I had 695 of 1300 minutes completed, plus 4 of 8 strength-training workouts and 12 of 21 days of 8000 steps or more.
How are you doing with your exercise goals in March?
For Readers’ Workouts, talk about your fitness activities on your blog (feel free to grab the logo) and link to your post below or join us in the comments! Be sure to visit the other participants to see how we all did.
Niiiiice! I admire your dedication to your goals, very motivating.
I got my 1st degree brown belt on Thursday, and in last night’s sparring class I pulled a calf muscle. I’ve injured this one before, I know the drill (rest, ice, compression, elevation), but it’s so annoying.
That is annoying, just when you hit a big milestone. Congrats on the Brown Belt!
Congrats on the brown belt, but that really stinks that you pulled a muscle.
I actually made my step goal every day last week, mostly because the weather was better. Today, it’s going back to cold again.
“Determination works” – I think I’m going to print that on a shirt