
Bletchley Park #BriFri #Photos — 13 Comments

  1. Very interesting to see this! I can totally see how your husband would have wanted more on the tech side from the movie (I was actually expecting a bit more), but as someone who had no clue about the story before I saw the movie, I thought it was really easy to follow. I fell down a Wiki wormhole once I got home, though, so I’m definitely interested in The Lost World of Bletchley Park.

  2. I haven’t seen The Imitation Game yet (it only came out here a couple of days ago) but I’m looking forward to it. The whole history of that time is fascinating 🙂

  3. I just started reading the Lost World of Bletchley Park and am enjoying it, from your recommendation I might add! Once finished I can’t wait to see The Imitation Game. It is all so fascinating and historical.

  4. Pingback:Anonymous

  5. Very cool photos and info on your tour there. I’m very envious and would like to visit Bletchley as well. Thanks for posting this. I loved the true story and the movie, fascinating stuff!

  6. Went to see The Imitation Game about 2 weeks ago and really liked it. I also noticed Allen Leech was in the movie (plays Branson on Downton). Since seeing the film, I have become a little more interested in learning about it. And as for making it more simple than it actually was, it happens in a lot of movies where there is a complicated storyline.

  7. Pingback:Codes and Puzzles #BletchleyPark #BriFri | Joy's Book Blog

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