
Book Club List #WeNeedDiverseBooks #FergusonReads #SundaySalon — 8 Comments

  1. I read Invisible Man in high school many years ago. We read Black Boy in another English class at the same time (I took as many English classes as I could cram into my schedule) and to this day I manage to conflate the two books despite the fact that they are nothing alike. Maybe someday I’ll re-read one or the other and actually get them straight for once. Both are truly amazing reads.

  2. Fragmented By Design sounds fascinating! I may just have to read it myself. House on Mango Street is such a lovely book. It looks like you guys have a lot of good reading of you!

  3. I adore House on Mango Street. It’s a book I’ve read several times.

    Thanks for sharing this great list.

  4. I hadn’t heard of Autobiography of a People, Sundown Towns, Devil in the Grove, South of Haunted Dreams, or Fragmented by Design. The Diversity Book Club is such a great idea!

  5. Pingback:The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd #BookReview | Joy's Book Blog

  6. Pingback:Waiting #Ferguson #SundaySalon | Joy's Book Blog

  7. Pingback:February 7 #SundaySalon | Joy's Book Blog

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