#ArmchairBEA Recover Day — #SundaySalon
The scene: // Sunny! We’ve had rain the last two evenings, so this should be a good day for weeding.
Listening to: // I’ve started listening to a radio soap opera. I didn’t know those existed anymore. Turns out that there’s one in the UK that never stopped. The Archers is the longest-running soap opera in the world. It’s only for 15 minutes, six days a week. Of course, in modern times, it’s available as a podcast. So, I’ve been using it as a kind of bed time story. It’s about farm and village life in England. Lots of drama this week — the new road may be built right through the center of the Archers farm. Another family has lost the organic status on their pigs recently. A third family is renovating the kitchen, but something has gone wrong and there’s an inch of water on the floor.
Reading: // I started Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson last night. Fun!
Watching: // We watched two movies that we really enjoyed this week: Dedication, a dark romantic comedy from 2007, and Queen to Play, a French film about a hotel maid who learns to play chess.
Blogging about: // Armchair BEA! I listed all my posts in the wrap-up yesterday.
Participating in// Recovery from Armchair BEA. Maybe we should make it an event?
What are you up to this fine Sunday?
I enjoy Bill Bryson, but have yet to read Notes from a Small Island … think I will add that one to the list. Enjoy the lovely weather
Recovery day is definitely a good idea. I’m still running around in my jammies and deciding what to read next.
I finished NFaSI.
I can’t wait to see what you think of it!
I’m already having BEA withdraws!
I remember two 15-minute soap operas in the US during the 60s…both of them are now defunct: Guiding Light and Search for Tomorrow
What an intriguing bedtime story!
It sounds like BEA was a success, as was the armchair. I tried to sign up but kept getting an error, this ended up fine though… I had a work project and dinner for 50 that consumed my every moment!
Bill Bryson wrote walk in the woods right? I enjoyed that book so I should look into the one you referenced above.
I will try to join the fitness post this week but will be in Orlando. Then life settles…. if I don’t get to post have a great week!
Glad you are enjoying the Bryson book. (Maybe we can convince Dale to give him another shot!) I was just killing some time at a bookstore Friday before a farewell party and happened to notice he has two or three “new” books I haven’t read yet. One was absolutely huge, about the origin of things in our daily lives. He can make anything funny.
Hope you enjoy the rest of “Small Island”.