My #Armchair BEA in Numbers
Number of times I’ve participated in Armchair BEA: 1 (my first, and it was great!)
Number of Armchair BEA posts I wrote: 10, counting this wrap-up post
Monday: Introduction + a librarian’s take on the question of Literature
Tuesday: Reading and Exercise + interacting with Karen Karbo, author of the Kick Ass Women series
Wednesday: How shorts got me to read e-books + making memes
Thursday: Diversity Book Club
Friday: Travel, books, and blogs + YA Books set in England
Number of things I’ll change for the next Armchair BEA: 1 (write more posts ahead of time!)
Number of comments I made on other blogs: 175, so far (Go Team 6 Cheerleaders!)
Number of comments my blog got this week: 114, so far (thanks!)
Number of Twitter chats I attended: 1, so far
Number of Twitter chats I intended to attend: 5
Number of weeks until the next Armchair BEA: approximately 52 — I can’t wait!
Holy crap that’s a lot of comments! CONGRATS ON YOUR FIRST YEAR BY THE WAY! (And thanks for letting my blog have one of those 175 comments
And why didn’t the accountant think to do his wrap up by the numbers? Fun way to look at it.
I’ve had so much fun visiting all the blogs on Armchair BEA. This is my first year and I’ve had such a good time that I plan to come back next time. I’ve added a ton of books to my TBR list as well as added a lot of book friends on twitter, goodreads, and bloglovin. Thank you so much for participating and making it a great first year for me.
Love your wrap up post. The numbers really show all of your hard work.
This is the 2nd year we’ve participated in Armchair BEA. Last week, I volunteered to be a cheerleader and sort of joined in late with the blog posts. I swore that I would have everything ready ahead of time. Yah, right. Like that will ever happen. Anyway, this year we planned ahead and build skeleton posts for each post. We still filled them in last minute, but we had fun with it.
175 comments!?! Wow, that’s impressive. Thanks so much for being a cheerleader, we appreciate you!
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Wow, 175 coments is impressive!!
And some of them where on my blog
thank you for visiting and engaging with this event!! It was my first time as well and I loved it!
I’m doing the same next year: write posdts ahead of time
Great job being a cheerleader! I didn’t get to do the last two days of BEA because I had family visiting. But I did my best to hop around and check out blogs. I love Armchair BEA … I have met a lot of new bloggers that way. I should’ve done a wrap up post too!