Armchair BEA — Literature
For our second topic on the first day of Armchair BEA, we’re asked to discuss the concept of “literature.”
Librarians have gone back and forth over the years about whether our duty is to promote “good” literature or whether it’s to promote reading. These days, mostly, we go for the second and that’s how I was taught in library school.
As a librarian, I’m wedded to these two laws of library science:
- Every reader his or her book.
- Every book its reader.
To a librarian, this means we need to develop a collection that is right for our community. Every patron should be able to find something to read (or, these days, watch or listen to or visit online) without anyone judging his or her choice, but it’s a waste to purchase anything that no one will use.
On my blog, I apply these two laws by choosing not to rate or judge books. Instead, I use the Appeal section of my book reviews to reflect on what sort of reader might like this book.
Promote good literature or promote reading of anything: what an interesting topic Joy and one I’d love to hear more about. I assume from your comment that the latter is the prevailing ideology on the basis that it’s better for someone to read anything rather than nothing at all? If so, has that actually worked would you say?
Karen (booker talk)
Great question! I’m hopeful, actually. I think reading does people good, even when the book doesn’t meet the criteria of literary merit, and that they will one day run into a book with a little more stature.
I think that’s a great way to approach reading and books. If I were be forced to read “good” literature all the time, I’d probably stop reading. While I enjoy reading classics, they’re not my favorite. I need to be able to read what my mind and heart enjoys. I’m glad your library and most librarians are embracing this way to thinking.
My Intro Post
I’ve never actually heard of those ‘laws of library science’, but I think that is such a lovely and romantic way to think about the library. I also love the philosophy you’ve adopted for not rating, but rather giving who it would appeal to. Very clever!
Thanks for stopping by my Armchair BEA post and saying hi!
Jess @ Such a Novel Idea
I love your perspective on defining the appeal of the book for your blog readers. I do rate my books but I think that’s more to show easily which my favorites are for authors/publishers who might be interested in me reviewing a book. Or for my readers to see whether our taste is similar. I totally agree with promoting the love of reading. When my kids and I go to the library, I let them pick and even if the book is about the mechanics of garbage trucks (yes we’ve gotten one before), we read them and discuss what they like, didn’t like and learned.
I look forward to more of your posts during Armchair BEA, sorry I haven’t had much to link up with your British Isles Friday in awhile!
I love your approach! As long as people are reading, that’s what matters! I also like your blogging style or discussing what type of reader would like the book–very refreshing!
I look at it a bit from a historical perspective too. Much of what we might label “literary” today will not stand the test of time and be held up as literary in the future. Just look at award winners from the 40s or 50s or any other decade and you can see how true this is. And honestly, as a parent, I’m so pleased to see my children reading that I don’t really worry too much about what they are reading. That’s how I was allowed to read and it certainly served me well so I’m hoping it does them as well.
Such a good topic. I change my mind about it all the time
As long as people are reading I’m happy…but I’d be happier if they were reading only AWESOME books, lol.
I totally live by those two laws of library science (but i thought i came up with them myself!). Ultimately i’m just glad to see people reading. Everyone has their own taste and that’s ok. But there is still the snob inside of me that thinks the literary is better. But i’ve realized that it is only better for me.
Great post! I so agree with you! I mean, the important thing is to get people to read right? Is there any worth in getting books that others do not read? Of course, I think efforts should be made to promote good books that others ought to read. I’m sure there can be co-existence between both kinds of books, right?