Best of My Reading Year — some selections for #Readathon
Dewey’s Read-a-thon is going so fast! We’re already in Hour 8, for which Andi announced that we’re having the biggest Read-a-thon ever with over 800 participants. Wow! I gave myself chills down the spine writing that. Imagine us all around the world enjoying books together today!
I’ve been spending more time cheering than reading, but that’s it’s own kind of bookish fun, too. I did take a little time to solve the book cover jigsaw puzzles put together by Little Miss Reader and to make some Best of… selections for Lisa’s World of Books.
Here are my picks:
Best Book of Your Reading Year
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Best Romance Book of Your Reading Year
Soulless by Gail Carriger (I loved that this managed to be a good a romance while parodying romance novels)
Best YA of Your Reading Year
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
Best New Adult of Your Reading Year
Cress by Marissa Meyer
Best Mystery Book of Your Reading Year
The Murders of Richard III by Elizabeth Peters
Best Non-Fiction Book of Your Reading Year
Your Food Is Fooling You: How Your Brain Is Hijacked by Sugar, Fat, and Salt by David A. Kessler
Best Fantasy of Your Reading Year
Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carriger
Are you enjoying your day of reading?
I love your list!
I haven’t read any of them, but I’m interested in the non-fiction one!
Thanks so much for stopping to cheer me on! I see Elizabeth Peters is on your list – I adore her (under all her pen names), and The Murders of Richard III is one of my favorite of her novels.
Sounds like some great reads! Thanks for stopping by my site to cheer me on Joy!
I started reading Cinder earlier today! Good luck, #TeamWordsworth!
I need to read Their Eyes Were Watching God REAL BAD.
…and thank you for the clearance to read Cinder – you were totally right.
Great list! My TBR list keeps growing! Have fun reading!
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