
Seeking former residents of Ordonia — 4 Comments

  1. I’m pretty sure it was 40 small houses in Little Ordonia and ten houses, also small but two story, in Big Ordonia.

  2. Ordonia!! There were at least 46 houses in Little Ordonia. We moved into #46 in 1969 at about the same time the Ludwigs moved into #10 if memory serves me right. It was definitely a slice of Americana. Playing whiffle ball, riding bikes, the car model club in one of the empty garage buildings in Little Ordonia, launching Estes rockets with Mark Kucera and friends with refreshments afterwards courtesy of Mark’s mom, delivering the Press Journal and Courier Post, and yes, watching one of Joy and Mary Beth’s puppet shows in the garage of #7. And best of all, being able to work at Hercules (the fertilizer plant) the summer after my first year of college.

    Decades after Ordonia was torn down, I was walking through there and the guard from the fertilizer plant came across Highway D and asked me what I was doing there. I told him I was just reminiscing about the place and that I used to live in #46, pointing toward the southwest corner of the property. He told me there was no trespassing and to get off the property. He definitely was not an Ordonian.

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