
Brasserie by Niche — A Restaurant Visit — 13 Comments

  1. Your meal sounds delicious — that creme brûlée looks to die for. Thanks for the camera tips. It’s very tricky to photograph food in restaurants because of lighting issues. Even though I never use flash, I often feel too conspicuous taking shots of everything I eat, especially since some restaurants don’t like you taking pictures. I try to be sneaky about it. 🙂

  2. Oh, what tempting fare you have presented here! I try and do a bit of French cooking at home. The area I live isn’t very cosmopolitan and mostly I would rather cook the meals. A trip to France would be a great culinary adventure.

  3. Good pics, Joy. I am usuallly too embarrassed to shoot the food in a restaurant – well truthfully it’s my better half that cringes if I do it! I’m currently on a French food kick courtesy of Dorie Greenspan. Cheers

  4. I’d always order a goats cheese tart. I can’t believe that they served half a chicken! My husband lovely a brûlée, and while I like the creme layer I never really like the brûlée! I know. Still they always look great. And taking photos in restaurants is hard. The lighting is so variable. I think the main rule is to never use flash- that’s so awful for other diners.

  5. This sounds like a fun evening. THere is a French restaurant in Montreal that has a delicious duck dish. I must confess I am not a fan of creme brûlée.

  6. I’ve never turned down a good creme brulee! I’m a proud owner of a blow torch! Yum!!!! Sounds like a great evening and that the review sites were fairly accurate. We too have lost our taste for salt, so I know what you’re talking about.

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