
Reading Challenges for 2014 — 7 Comments

  1. All of these challenges sound like so much fun! I am hoping that in 2015, when I am retired, I will once again feel brave enough to register for a challenge or two. This year, I fear, I would be setting myself up for failure 🙂

  2. Go Joy Go! I can have a vicarious reading thrill hearing about your challenges. I have a hard time with books over 350 pages. I think, Get to the Point, or, Edit Please! Your challenge may change my mind.

  3. You’re adding more challenges to my list! 🙂 I think I need to join the Nonfiction Challenge. I didn’t read enough of them in adult form last year. I’m so g lad you’re bringing back your Back-to-School challenge. Good luck with all of your challenges!

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