
Pumpkin Bread Pudding — Recipe — 12 Comments

  1. Isn’t it wonderful how certain recipes and food smells can bring back such strong memories and feelings? For me, the smell of mincemeat pie baking can take me right back to my mother’s kitchen at Christmas time!

    Enjoy your pumpkin bread and your Christmas celebration! Merry Christmas!

  2. Sounds and looks delicious! We became partial to chocolate chips in our pumpkin bread a few years ago, but pecans and golden raisins sound great, especially to give a little crunch to the bread pudding.

  3. I had Pumpkin Bread Pudding for the first time on Thanksgiving. It didn’t look anything like your photo, which by the way is full of yummy ingredients! It also sounds way easy, so I may make it for Christmas!!

  4. Oh I love pumpkin anything. We don’t have tinned pumpkin in Australia though, we have fresh pumpkin available year round. We eat it as a vegetable mainly, or use it in soups or salads, frittatas, savoury things. We don’t really do the sweeter things like pumpkin pie- but I do like those. This looks fabulous, I imagine that it smells sensational with the pumpkin and the spices.

  5. Pingback:Chocolate Bread Pudding — Recipe | Joy's Book Blog

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