
Sunday Salon, September 29 — 8 Comments

    • Yes! In fact, yesterday’s discussion was very much about art, in the largest sense. The instructor used a quote from Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke, substituting “photography” for “writing” at one point — so obviously it applied to all art.

      On a more practical level, photography helps me see which is a great help when I want to describe something in my writing.

  1. Such an informative post, Joy! I did not know that photography classes were offered at the Shaw Nature Reserve! We are always looking for an excuse to drive to the St. Louis area and the street photography workshop would have been perfect! Ah well, I keep my eyes peeled for other opportunities.

    I am unfamiliar with the Memoir and Backstory challenge, but after following the link, I am most interested! I need to review my calendar to see if this is something that I have time to do … or perhaps, if there are other projects that can put on hold in order to join this challenge.

  2. Love the idea of a street photography workshop! I got a DSLR camera for Christmas and still haven’t done much with it – I really need to set aside some time to learn how to use it properly.

    • Classes were really helpful to me. I started with the Continuing Education department at the Community College.

  3. Joy, I am beginning to believe we live very close together. I had our oldest child at Washington Hospital. The area is very beautiful in the fall season as the leaves change along the river!

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