
Diversity Book Club — Short & Long Lists for 2013-2014 — 10 Comments

  1. Great post and suggestions! I really like a book that focuses on diversity and I think I’ll be looking in to this list. You should check out another great book called “The Children of Gavrilek” by Julie Kirtón Chandler. A friend recommended it to me and it’s a really fantastic read! Thanks again for the post and book list!

    • Because of the history of our group and the make up of our community, we’ve always had an African-American theme. But I think we’re ready to branch out some. I was in a different group focused on diversity that brought in other aspects and cultures. That was helpful partly because it broadened our concept of diversity but also because it allowed us to talk about race issues in similar ways but without always putting our black members under a microscope (which appeared to be a bit of a relief).

  2. Pingback:Joy's Book Blog

  3. Hi,
    I just stumbled upon your website and saw that your book club will be reading my novel, Substitute Me this year! What a thrill. I just wanted to say thank you and I hope you enjoy it.


  4. Pingback:Sugar & Slavery, Empire & Colony #BriFri #BookReview | Joy's Book Blog

  5. Pingback:Book Club Selection Meeting #SundaySalon #WeNeedDiverseBooks #FergusonReads | Joy's Book Blog

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