The Sunday Salon — my first
I’ve decided I’d like to use The Sunday Salon as a way to post little bookish things that aren’t book reviews. I enjoy these posts so much on other people’s blogs. Unfortunately, this urge didn’t come with an idea of something to write about.
So, today, I’m going to steal the format that Vasilly uses at 1330v. She, in turn, stole it from Kim at Sophisticated Dorkiness.
Time: // 8:51 am
The scene: // at my desk looking out on sunny summer greenness
Eating: // soon — blueberry bread pudding
Drinking: // water, but in a bit I’ll have a cup of lapsang souchong — enjoying it now because I think I’m going to have to switch to something else. Rick, who is allergic to red meat, thinks it smells like bacon. Plus, I’m wondering about the environmental impact of a smoked tea and whether or not its carcinogenic for the workers who make it and the final consumer.
Listening to: // My Good Morning playlist on Spotify. I just started it for a second time, so I get James Taylor’s calm voice calling me “little darling” and telling me “It’s all right” with Yo Yo Ma’s lush cello sounds in their version of Here Comes the Sun. Works for me!
Currently reading: // Cooked by Michael Pollan and Sweet Talk by Julie Garwood. I may drop Cooked for today to finish the last few pages of Save the Cat by Blake Snyder. I might get back to Amy Falls Down by Jincy Willett. It’s a leisurely book and I was in the mood for something else last night, so I started Sweet Talk.
Blogging about: //my last post of our France trip photos should be read for the weekly Dreaming of France event tomorrow.
Participating in: // The Back to School Reading Challenge (join us!). I finished one book, but I’m saving the review until after our book club meets. I’ve started How to Write a Book Proposal by Michael Larsen but haven’t really got to the meat of it yet.
What are you up to this fine Sunday?
A good morning playlist sounds like a lovely way to start the day. So does bread pudding, yum! Have a great week Joy
Joy – I was just reading this entry when you apparently were reading mine
I am anxious to review your France postings – for obvious reasons! And I am tempted to join the Back to School Reading challenge. I have not participated in a reading challenge for several years, but seeing as I am now “semi retired” I think this may be the perfect way to ease back into that treasured activity.
So glad you joined Sunday Salon! It’s one of the few things that can get me blogging every week!
I love the idea of a good morning playlist! I may have to start one of my own. I’ve finished one book for the reading challenge but now I’m stuck when it comes to picking out my next read. Everything looks interesting!
Blueberry pudding sounds so good! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
You hooked me with the ‘good morning playlist’ idea as well!
I’ll be interested to follow and see how you feel about ‘How to write a book proposal.’
I’ve been looking at my exercise and weight loss over the past few weeks/months and redefining my goals and daily routine. I’m also preparing for my husband to be out of town, my daughter’s birthday, and trying to get the guest bedroom cleared out. Not the most relaxing Sunday.
lapsang souchong? I’ve never heard of it.
Spotify? I’ve never heard of it.
I’ve posted this format of questions on my old non book blog many times for the Simple Woman’s Daybook meme. I like the idea of doing it for Sunday Salon so I added it to today’s post.
I’ve really been lacking in my exercise. But I put the Dad Is Fat audio book on hold at my library to nudge me into walking on my treadmill while I listen to it. I’ll pick it up Monday. I’m so glad you’re still doing Readers’ Workout, I’ll be joining again on Tuesday.
Thank you for coming to my blog a while back. I have been absent from blog land for a while. It was fun going through your back posts and looking at picture of Paris. We went to Nice last October but I don’t think I’ll go home this year – I hope we can make it next year.
I enjoyed reading about your books. After watching the Tour de France live on TV and looking at the French countryside I wondered why it is so different here as I did not see so many strip malls in France (or other countries in Europe.) I did get two books at the library that explains it somewhat. It seems that up to World War 2 there were main towns in America but after that planners decided to build subdivisions because people wanted to get away from cities (and mostly away from pollution, the poor and people of colors.) Then zoning laws came and now even if one wanted to build a mixed neighborhood, they could not. So, the poor stay in the inner cities and the others stay in their subdivisions and even now they are segregated by wealth. The books are interesting one is called “Home from Nowhere” by James Howard Kunstler and the other “Suburban Nation: the Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream” by Andres Duany. It seems that young people are trying to get back to towns, but the developers are not interested as it is a lot easier to cut trees in outlying areas and a lot more profitable – and the dollar is always what comes first.
I have been wanting to get into this one, I think I will! If you don’t mind I will use the format that you stole for 1330v who stole it from Sofisticated Dorkiness!