Back to School Reading Challenge — the Chats
As part of the Back to School Reading Challenge and Wednesday Book Club, we will chat on Twitter four Wednesdays in August and September. The times are:
- 9pm EDT, August 7
- 9pm EDT, August 21
- 9pm EDT, September 4
- 9pm EDT, September 18
We’ll be using the hashtag #WSChat. WS stands for Wordsmith Studio, a group of writers learning together on the internet. They have graciously allowed us to take over a normal time slot that they use for book discussions on those four Wednesdays.
Don’t forget to vote for an education book that we can read together and discuss during these chats: Choose our Back to School Read-Along Book.
And don’t forget to sign up for the reading challenge: Back to School Reading Challenge and Wednesday Book Club. During the chats, we can discuss what we have all been reading to learn new things.
I’m having problems with my monitor so I don’t know if I’ll be able to participate in the chats (or even get on my computer), but I’ll be there in spirit.
Congrats on this exciting project!