
Readers’ Workouts — July 30 — 4 Comments

  1. My exercise had some highs and lows. I accomplished something I don’t remember ever doing before but I also hurt my knee at one point and had to ease off to let the pain subside. As a result, more pain went away than just behind my knee so I have been trying to reintroduce exercises but not reinjure my knee. So far I know that using my recumbent bike is a source of pain and problem which is disheartening. After all, read any article on safe cardio machines for people with knee problems and bikes are on every list. I, obviously, am the exception to that rule. But I’m pain free now, again, and I need (no pun intended) to keep exploring. This week I’ll be reintroducing Pilates. We’ll see how it goes. And I have a personal fitness challenge I’ll be doing next month. I’ll blog about it for next week’s RW.

    • I had a problem with recumbent bikes for awhile. They caused a pain in the back of my knee. Moving the seat a little closer to the pedals helped — I think I was hyper-extending the tendons with every stroke.

  2. I seem to have lost a bit of my mojo lately and the heat has really gotten to me.

    Heather – zombie runs sound sooo fun. I want to do one – my running group put something up about it but I dunno if there is a team or how many people were interested.

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