
Readers Workouts — February 12 — 10 Comments

  1. That is a great way to go — start small and build up your workout. When I first started running on the treadmill I went all out right away and it was a very bad experience.

    • So far, Rosetta Stone has been accepting my pronunciation of egg, but it may be too easy. Our French tutor mentioned that it’s hard — she’s going to work with us on pronunciations next week. Last night she had us holding our noses to get the proper nasal pronunciation of “sont.”

  2. I have a little of my past week’s workout on the blog post I linked to, but here’s more info. I recently fell down (a common occurrence), so I’m doing at least 30 minutes of light walking. I pretty much just listen to music and walk around my apartment complex. It’s a my “small step” and it’s been fun so far.

  3. LOL! I was hoping you were going to say HITT was a hit! Not just for the sake of the pun, but obviously because I wanted to hear that it went well.

    I had a great week of workouts–doing different things every day for a total of 557 minutes. I normally don’t count chores around the house or yard work as designated exercise, but I made an exception for the 2+ hrs I spent shoveling snow on Saturday. Then my husband and I went skiing on Sunday and out of the five hours we were on the slopes (not counting a lunch break), I’m guessing only 2.5 hours of that were actually spent skiing. The other 2.5 hours were spent in chair lifts and lift lines! I was so exhausted Sunday night .. I couldn’t bring myself to workout on Monday. -_- zzzzz

    Hope everyone is having a good week this week. Happy Valentine’s Day. xo

    • Make that 601 minutes.. I forgot the jog I took in the park on Friday when the snow started. It was so pretty and peaceful.. I even stopped to snap a few photos with my phone. How could I forget those lovely 24 minutes!!!? ^_^

  4. I looked at the challenge you’re doing and decided that 12k is way too scary for me. Well done for joining in, I look forward to seeing your progress!

    I do need to get back on track with setting goals in minutes per month like you suggested though. I’m reading The Power of Habit and am inspired to really create an exercise habit. Just need a reward I could focus on to create that craving feeling…

    • That sounds great! I generally feel better, both physically and emotionally, after exercising than before, so that’s a good reward, but it sometimes takes some convincing to remind myself that’s true. I’m more relaxed, less stressed, and I also sleep better!

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