A Librarian’s Tips for a Healthy Heart
I have a new piece up on Huffington Post about heart health just in time for Valentine’s Day! Check out A Librarian’s Tips for a Healthy Heart. I would love comments, likes, tweets, and shares.
I have a new piece up on Huffington Post about heart health just in time for Valentine’s Day! Check out A Librarian’s Tips for a Healthy Heart. I would love comments, likes, tweets, and shares.
What a great article! After reading it I went online to my library to see if they had the “All Heart Family Cookbook” and they did, so I put it on hold. Can’t wait to read it. I also shared the piece on FB and Twitter.
Thanks, Vicki! It’s a good cookbook. I reviewed it here: Book Review: WomenHeart’s All Heart Family Cookbook by Kathy Kastan and Suzanne Banfield.
I saw this on Yesha’s page on Facebook this morning and I shared it with my family and friends on my FB page. What a wonderful Valentine’s Day post! Thank you. So much good information!
Thanks, Barbara! Happy Valentine’s Day!