
Book Review: Smart Chefs Stay Slim by Allison Adato — 16 Comments

  1. I applaud you first and foremost for your determination (I may actually be encouraged and move forward with my weight resolutions!). But following food politics is I believe also important for reasons beyond weight – we should be aware of what is going on around us and how/if we can do something about it. Keep up the good work!

  2. this sounds like and thought provoking read. I watch some of the current travelling food shows and just shake my head at all those people drooling over some of the unhealthiest greasy food I have ever seen. eeks. yes, there is some good oods shown, but most of it just makes me cringe. I recall that the over sized burger where the ‘buns’ were really two overly cheese grilled cheese sandwiches, had eme clutching at my chest. thanks for pointing out this book.

  3. I love that perspective of eating only the best (and junk food/candy is NOT the best…). I am a bit like that myself with chocolate, and I wish I could extend it to chips and salty snacks. Thanks for sharing!

    • I managed to get like that with chips. It took appreciating the artistry of the house-made potato chip that you get at some bars and funky restaurants. I only eat chips when I can get those and since I don’t get to that sort of place very often, it naturally limits them to very special occasions.

  4. Joy, Thank you for this. I want to stay slim by eating delicious food- not a lot of fake “low fat” and artificially sweetened products. This book might help me find healthy stuff that tastes good too. I also enjoyed looking over the posts on Food Politics, and I’m happy to see that soda consumption has dropped in the US. The advertising push in the rest of the world is unfortunate.

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