I’ve been published on Huff/Post50!
This is my first piece on Huff/Post50: A Librarian’s Tips For Healthy Holiday Parties. I’m hoping that they invite me back, so please click, comment, and share!
Edited to add: Welcome TALU blog hoppers — I hope you enjoy my piece on Huffington Post!
Congratulations! It’s well written and on point. They will be asking you back, I’m sure of it!
Those kind of tips don’t work for me (although Judith Beck is one of the best writers about the issue out there, I agree). Cool that you got published over at HuffPost!
Joy, that’s so awesome! What a cool opportunity.. and a great article. I hope they invite you back, too.
Congratulations! I’m going to check it out now.
Congrats! I’m going to go check out the article– Book Savvy Babe
Congrats!!! On being published on HuffPo and that awesome post. Loved it!
Congratulations! Great tips in there – I am going to try to implement them this holiday season.
Congratulations! That’s exciting. I’m sure they’ll ask you back, those are some excellent tips
This is awesome, congrats!!
Great article, Joy! I hope HuffPost ask you back, and I bet they will. Good for you! (Visiting from TALU)
Can’t wait to click the link and check it out, Joy! Congrats! And thanks for linking up with TALU…
(TALU visitor)