Pin It and Do It Challenge — Wrap Up
For the October Pin It and Do It Challenge hosted by Trish at Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity, I wanted to report that I did 12 of the 21 things I pinned to the Arkansas Trip Board. Pinterest was an excellent way to organize things for the trip — I even used it while traveling as the fastest way to get to the websites for an address or opening hours.
I’ll post pictures for Saturday Snapshot for the next few weeks. I hope everyone had fun with this challenge!
This is such a great idea, Joy! I only seem to use Pinterest to keep track of books, recipes and crafts. I like the idea of using a board to organize a trip!
I had planned to do this for Ireland but just didn’t. I hope you had a really lovely time in Arkansas. I hope you were able to visit Eureka? We’ve taken two motorcycle trips up there and just love the Ozarks.
Pinterest is a great way to collect ideas for trips and then take them with you without having to carry along 10 lbs of tour books and print outs. I have a board of “places I want to visit” but I really would like to break that down to have different boards for every place.
Wow you did quite a lot of them
Look forward to the pictures.
Way to put Pinterest to work for you. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
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