Readers’ Workouts — September 25
Welcome to Readers’ Workouts where readers prove we can move. Join us to share your exercise stories and find companions for the fitness journey.
Did you know there was a FitBloggin’ Conference last weekend? I didn’t find an equivalent of Armchair BEA for participating at home, but I did enjoy the Live Blog summaries of sessions — there were some informative programs. I’m looking forward to checking out the recaps by bloggers who attended: FitBloggin’12 Recaps – Leave Links Here! I made some comments on blogs of people who attended and they have been very receptive and pleasant in return. Special thanks to Denise of Do you have that in my size? for taking time to have an email conversation about how a book blogger can engage in the world of healthy lifestyle bloggers.
I’m way behind on both of my exercise goals this month. I’ll need to average an hour a day for the rest of the month to reach 1400 minutes of exercise in September. And, I’ll need to do a DVD or Wii workout all but one day to meet goal of 15 of them. Doable, but I’ll have to stay on top of it.
The one bright spot has been the Zumba 2 Wii game that I bought as a reward for meeting my fitness goals last month. With the help of Kim at I’m Not the Nanny, that’s been the one form of exercise I’ve been willing to do even when I don’t feel like exercising. Silly me, I thought I should start with Learn the Steps mode , but Kim encouraged me to just go for the Single Song mode and now I’m having fun.
How about you? Tell us about your successes and challenges. Grab the logo, post on your blog, and link to that post in the link list below. Or, join us in the comments. Be sure to visit the other participants so we can cheer each other.
I’ve lapsed in my workouts the last few weeks but I’m back!
Yay! Glad to have you back!
Thanks for the mention, Joy – conversations with other bloggers are the reason I continue to write all these years later. You’ve inspired me to get off my backside and do something active today, so thank you for that, too!
Yay! Hope you have a good day back to work and find a fun way to be active!
With school and the kids at three different schools, I’ve lapsed some too. I’ve started back slowly using my bike for short but intense workouts. I need to start scheduling my workouts so I won’t feel like there are more urgent things to do.
Good job getting back on the bike.
I’m trying to make it a habit that if it gets to be about 4pm and I haven’t worked out yet, then exercise gets bumped up on the priority list. It sometimes works.
Joy, do you do any strength training in your exercise routine? I was thinking that not only is it an important component of exercise (makes our muscles AND bones stronger and denser), but if you added 15 minutes of strength at the end of your cardio workouts, I bet you could make your minute goals!
I cut back on strength training on the theory that I was getting plenty of squats and lunges and pulling and pushing in the yard. But it’s not quite the same, so this week would be a good time to start putting it back in my routine. Thanks!
I clocked in 306 minutes of exercise last week–run, bike, spin and weights. I’m okay with this total, but would like to see it a bit higher.
I finally started!!