
Book Review: The Color of Tea by Hannah Tunnicliffe — 22 Comments

  1. Now I’m wondering if Wegman’s bakery has macaroons. I’m not saying I’m buying, but I’m definitely taking a look! I too can’t stand it when I read about women whose lives are empty because they can’t get pregnant — (1) children do not define the woman and (2) there are other ways to have children in your life.

  2. I’m glad I’ not the only one with a problem with characters who get all “My life is over!!!!!” if they don’t have kids. I’m happily childless too so I just can’t relate and have given up on many books because I just want to slap characters.

  3. Macarons are the perfect treat to go with tea 🙂 Too bad that the protagonist of the book took such a long time to move on with her life. Other than that, I can imagine you craving macarons!

  4. Ah yes! Macarons! Tricky to bake, not as easy to find. We’re swamped with cupcake shoppes here, but few macaron places. I love them — so light with delicate flavors, and such pretty colors. Great review, appreciate your candor — thank goodness Grace is saved by macarons!

  5. I’ve seen this book mentioned on other blogs, and I have to say I’m intrigued by the descriptions of food and running a cafe. And, like you, I have no problem with a happy ending. I’ll probably pick this up the next time I’m at a bookstore. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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  7. I found The Color of Tea at my local library. However, the print was too small for me to read (specs and all). Was told that it was not available in any other print. Book Club selected this book for this month and I must go unread.

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